I am 19 years old, raised in Limerick, Ireland and now I live in Dublin, Ireland studying a BSc (hons) in Computational Social Science majoring in Sociology and Economics at University College Dublin (UCD). It's a relatively unknown discipline as the field is just budding so I'm pretty excited to be one of the few people in the world specialising in it.
I am a technologist that has great passion for the arts and humanities. You can find me exploring a variety of topics of interest such as entrepreneurship, technology, economics, the human mind, literature, filmography, music and my travels.
I have many passions and I chase an impossible desire to live the human experience.
This website is a sandbox for my self expression. I think a lot of other personal websites just end up conforming into glorified business cards. It's pretty common in the dev space, but i want to revamp that type of thing and just be authentic.
I cant make any promises of consistency in this site but it is what it is.
You can find me on my public profiles at LinkedIn, Github, Tumblr, and Instagram.
The best way to contact me is through my email:
abutalha at abutalhaalam dot com